“We are all different. There is no such thing as a standard or run-of-the-mill human being, but we share the same human spirit.” - Stephen Hawking
Our beginning
In 2007, Justin Creech started Positive Behavior Consulting, LLC, in Richmond, VA, which provides positive behavior supports to individuals in need of services through the Developmental Disability waiver, Department of Rehabilitative Services, and the Comprehensive Services Act. In 2010, he received the “Linking people, changing lives” award for making a significant difference on behalf of self-advocates and families presented at the 25th anniversary of VCU’s Partnership for People with Disabilities.
A positive approach
Positive behavior support is an approach to supporting people’s behavior in typical home, school, work, and community environments that combines the principles of applied behavior analysis, implementation science, and best practices from other human service fields. It is characterized by a commitment to collaboration; basing interventions on a thorough understanding of the person and environmental influences affecting behavior; proactive, educative, and functional strategies; making decisions on the basis of objective information; and focusing not just on behavior change, but also improvements in quality of life.